Clear rounds for Gringo, Golga, Gradetty, Glenn Moray en Footlose


While three show jumpers, sold at Sale of the Rising Stars, were successful in Mijas, five other formal auction horses jumped clear at the Sunshine Tour in Vejer de la Frontera: Gringo, Golga O, Gradetty, Glenn Moray and Foot Loose.
7-yr (1.30m): Footloose - Mark McAuley
6-yr (1.20m): Gringo - Boy-Adrian van Gelderen
6-yr (1.20m) Golga O - Boy-Adrian van Gelderen
6-yr (1.20m): Gradetty - Frederique Lebon
6-yr (1.20m) Glen Moray - Ioli Mytilineou

Linked horses
Foot Loose
Golga O
Glen Moray