Lysco van den Bisschop

: 10
With VAT: Yes
born: 2011
sex: stallion
colour: bay
height: L
studbook: BWP

Elvis ter Putte - 1.60m GP  Diamant de Semilly - 1.60m GP  Le Tot de Semilly - 1.60m GP 
Venise des Cresles 
Ukase ter Putte  Darco - 1.60m GP 
Quinette ter Putte 
Ilydi van den Bisschop - 1.35m  Kashmir van 't Schuttershof - 1.60m GP  Nabab de Reve - 1.60m GP 
Fines van Kameren 
Troica  Lys de Darmen 

Sports performance splashes of the studbook paper, but also from Lysco van den bishop himself. This promising BWP stallion has a very easy way of jumping, which indicates a lot of scope. A very interesting future horse where we are going to hear from a lot.

Dam Ilydi van de Bishop jumped at 1.35m level and is a half sister of the 1.60m show jumper Foica van den bishop (Vigo d'Arsouilles), who participated in the 2016 Global Champions Tour with Jane Richard Philips. Ilydi is also a half sister of the 1.45m classified AES stallion Gandy van den Bisschop (Calvaro Z), two 1.40m horses and a 1.30m horse.

Very closely related are the 1.60m show jumping horse Flinstone van 't Eigenlo (For Pleasure) ridden by Karel Cox and the 1.50m show jumping horse Iloica van de Bishop (Kashmir van' t Schuttershof) ridden by Samuel Hutton.

